Agape: Call to Community – Suzanne Shanley for The Catholic Worker
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To the Next Generation: A Radical, Nonviolent Call
The Agape Community Needs You Come and explore, answer this call: The Agape Community is a lay Catholic residential community, interfaith in prayer, practice, and outreach. We are actively seeking

In the Swirl of Hatred: Can We Listen and Weep?
by Brayton ShanleyOngoing, Relentless Nakba ExhibitI have known for months now that my good friend and pro-Palestinian activist, Skip Schiel, had a photo exhibit scheduled at the Newton Public Library.

Why Is My Enemy Suffering?
Why Is My Enemy Suffering? by Brayton Shanley Recently, I was speaking to a good friend who challenged me with a question: How is this situation in Israel-Palestine to be

Agape’s Annual Brigid Night, Sat. Feb. 3, 2024
Thank you Sam and Brian for your beautiful guiding spirits of preparation for and sharing in this sacred night. Last night, about 30 people showed up for Brigid Night, including
Annual Agape Francis Day: Sat. Oct. 7, 2023 10am-4pm
CONTEMPLATION, CONVERSATION AND COMMUNITY Holy Cross Students at Quabbin Reservoir Agape Community will animate reflection and periods of meditation on contemplative life and practice for peacemakers. Topics include: Power of Silence

Agape Community Update
AUGUST 2023 AGAPE COMMUNITY UPDATE Greetings Dear friends of Agape, We, Suzanne, and Brayton, co-founders of Agape, want to inform you that we have finished our sabbatical time. With the