
by Colleen Shortell I am appreciative of Agape’s example of inner peace and mindfulness, despite returning to a high stress environment at Holy Cross.  I have noticed a change in

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Seeking Through Silence

by Andrew J. Borus After nearly 4 years working in Wealth Management, I was left feeling burnt out, unfulfilled, and still years away from any form of respite from the

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Wandering Through the Agape Woods

by Louisa Rossel                 In mid-March, just as the snow began to melt and signs of spring arose from a long winter slumber, students from the College of the Holy

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Dehumanization vs Kinship

by Kevin Fox           My ongoing, non-violent story, which has brought me to Agape, begins with hearing The Last Judgment read during Mass around my middle school years. Matthew 25:31-40

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From Constantine to Ukraine

by Mark Korban It can be difficult to fathom the mindset of the followers of Jesus in the early to mid-fourth century as they gradually abandoned their commitment to the

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Poem: Becoming Jesus

by Brayton Shanley Jesus,If your very being could be reduced to a word, it would be Mercy.Help us to walk in that aura.We are sinking in a sea of revenge

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