Dear Friends of Agape,
Continue the spirit of Agape’s Francis Day by contributing thermal clothes/donations for the Big Foot/Wounded Knee Ride.
We are beginning now to collect warm clothes/thermal gloves, boots, etc. and financial contributions for the teens participating in the Big Foot Ride. We will be giving donations to Elena Creef who travels to the Big Foot Ride yearly and was at Agape with Chief Arvol whom she brought here from Wellesley College where she is a professor of Gender and Women’s Studies.
In the meantime, Elena will come to Agape in December to collect clothes and financial donations for her trip for the Big Foot Ride and she needs to have the supplies by Dec. 7 th …not much time, but maybe we could do something. Our Facebook has more detailed information.
Peace to all and what a great Christmas gift to further the Listening to Native Voices experience by offering a Christmas gift to relatives and friends a donation to the teenagers of three reservations, who ride in sub-zero temperatures to remember the massacre at Wounded Knee. The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred on December 29, 1890, near Wounded Knee Creek on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the U.S. state of South Dakota.
Agape is supporting this annual ride in commemoration of the Wounded Knee Massacre by collecting thermal gloves, hats, jackets and other clothing for the teens involved in the ride. If you would like to support this ride, please contact Agape through our website to arrange a financial or other contribution. We hope that his effort, which involves the Standing Rock, Pine Ridge, Rose Bud and Cheyenne Reservations will serve as a continuation of Agape’s theme from Francis Day: Listening to
Native Voices.
Call Agape for further information.