Last Saturday, June 12th, Agape Community hosted our first large Work Day since the beginning of the Pandemic. Support was strong as friends gathered from various places to help prepare the garden for the summer season as well as collect and split wood for this coming winter. Despite the threat of rain early in the morning, the sky cleared and the Sun shined throughout the day. Eager to get to work, we blew through the day’s tasks before lunch! During lunch, it was great to share and socialize with friends after closing our doors for so long. We were blessed with a gorgeous afternoon, a group with strong work ethic, and a couple more dead trees coming down- giving us more to work with. After the work was finished, we celebrated with conversation, music, food. It was marvelous to have Francis House fill with song! Agape is so thankful to those who came and shared their energy and talents with us on this most blessed day.